Tuesday, 20 April 2010

29th April: '2010 General Election - Meet the Candidates'

Local parliamentary candidates for Canterbury and Whitstable will be
taking part in their very own head-to-head debate next week, prior to next month's general election.

The public debate, '2010 General Election - Meet the Candidates', has been organised jointly with the Making Politics Matter campaign at Canterbury Christ Church University and Canterbury and District Inter-Faith Action (CANDIFA).

The event will bring together the constituency's parliamentary candidates to voice their views in a debate based around the theme of 'The UK and the Wider World'.

Dr David Bates, Director of Politics and International Relations at Canterbury Christ Church University said: "This is one of the most exciting general elections in a long time. This event will allow the public to get to know more about their local candidates, and decide who they wish to represent them.

"We are pleased to be working together with Canterbury and District Inter-Faith Action to host this event at Canterbury Christ Church University."

Richard Norman, Emeritus Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Kent will chair the debate. The local parliamentary candidates taking part are:

Anne Belsey - Money Reform
Julian Brazier - Conservative
Howard Farmer - United Kingdom Independence
Geoff Meaden - Green
Jean Samuel - Labour
Guy Voizey - Liberal Democrat

The political debate will take place on Thursday 29 April, 6.30pm, at Canterbury Christ Church University's Old Sessions House, North Holmes Campus. It is free to attend and open to the all members of the public.

Guests attending the debate are also invited to stay for the screening of the final Leaders Debate at 8.30pm.